Write your pilot!

Saturdays 3-6p ET/12-3p PT starts 4/5/25!

Fill out the form below IF interested.

Writing a pilot is a big undertaking but it can be manageable with the right process.

In this class, you will learn to unpack your premise, break your story, and finish writing your script.
We’ll set deadlines that ensure you stop procrastinating and start writing.
You’ll leave with notes and guidance for revision.
Stop putting it off and WRITE YOUR PILOT!

I’ve been teaching Write Your Pilot!, a sitcom pilot-writing workshop, since 2016. I wrote and directed the hit Audible Original The Best Man’s Ghostwriter, starring Glen Powell. I was a staff writer at MTV News, and Above Average, and have written for shows on Comedy Central Digital, MTV, MTV-2, TruTV, and Dropout. I was a contributing writer at the 2018 Film Independent Spirit Awards hosted by John Mulaney and Nick Kroll. I also was a house writer and performer at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre from 2010-2018.

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Saturdays 3-6p ET/12-3p PT starts 2/15/25
$350 or Pay-What-You-Can
Class Dates: 4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 5/3, 5/10 
No Mandatory Class 4/26 - Optional Office Hours

5 hour-long sessions for $400
Whenever works for your schedule at whatever speed you want to go. 

Have you written a pilot and you want someone to read it and give feedback? I’d love to!
One-hour Notes Session (In-person or Skype)

Please complete the form below if you are interested in getting more information about taking a class.

If I HAVEN’T RESPONDED IN A TIMELY FASHION, CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER (GMAIL and Squarespace sometimes don’t get along).

The class made writing pilots easier and, more importantly, less scary. The whole process was broken down into easy-to-understand chunks that made writing a full script less daunting.
— Eitan Levine (Elite Daily, Cheddar, Inverse, Mashable)
Matt disarms the stressful undertaking of writing a pilot. From start to finish, every step of the process feels manageable due to his approachable explanations and helpful breakdowns. As someone who had never written before, not once did I feel discouraged or overwhelmed.
— Brielle DeMirjian (Harold Night, Current Ex-Boyfriend)
Doing the work! Writing my first pilot always seemed like too big a task to even start. Got over that quick in this class. A huge part of the class is taking the time to write, which was a huge help.
— Anthony Jackson (Actor and Writer)
I had a premise I’d wanted to write for a long time and had been winging it, not knowing the actually real-writer process, which I got out of Matt’s class and I can’t overstate how helpful it was. I got a draft of my dream project out of it and it was faster/cleaner/funnier for having taken it.
— Jake Hyland (Free Agent Jokemaker)
WYP was empowering. It reminded me that at any time I’m 6 weeks away from finishing a pilot. Matt was great at holding people accountable while also giving helpful feedback every week. You never felt like you were floating without any guidance. Instead this class was easily one of the best environment’s I’ve been a part of. Matt encouraged people to not only contribute to each other’s ideas but to take ownership of their own and really take advantage of the time.
— Sam Griffel
If you want to finish a pilot, and learn the best way to do it from beginning to end, then you should take this class.
— Steph Piperis (Finisher of a Pilot)